01-07-2024 - 25-07-2024

*MEDICAL PROJECT for distribution of medicines* for WARKARIS Yatra to religious place Pandharpur. Pandharpur Wari or Wari is a yatra to Pandharpur, Maharashtra, to honor Vithala / Vithoba. It involves carrying the paduka of a saints in a palkhi, most notably of Dnyaneshwar and Tukaram, from their respective shrines to Pandharpur. Many pilgrims join this procession on foot. Warkari is a Marathi term which means "one who performs the wari". The tradition is more than 700 to 800 years old. The salient features of the project are as under : 1. The project was proposed by Sr. Rtn Ajit Ghate & well supported by PP Rtn Deepak Mangawani. 2. Dr. Vidya Saptnekar and spouse Dr. Vidya planned medical camp for WARKARIS on different days in July 2024 3. Dr. Saptnekar and 8-10 doctors with him as his team members at the camp prescribed and gave medicines to 15,000 WARKARIS. 4. The Actual project cost - cost of medicine is INR 6,54,000/- . Rtn Deepak Mangawani our esteemed member, being stockist & wholesale dealer& pharmacist, has provided this at a special rate 5. Funding is organised by Sports city Trust , Rtn Ajit Ghate and his friends and discount by Rtn Deepak Mangwani 7. First camp held on 2nd July 2024 at Saswad and thereafter near Pandarpur. 8. The medicines were for dehydration, body ache , fever, infection, etc . These are general medicines and antibiotics as well of reputed MNC Pharma company (not generic medicines)

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2024
End Date 25-07-2024
Project Cost 654000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 500
No of direct Beneficiaries 15000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Dr Sapatnekar and Dr Vidya Sapatnekar
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment