01-07-2018 - 30-06-2019

Fruit trees of local origin were planted on Panchavati foothills, Pashan, Pune. The trees were of Chikoo, tamrind, mango, rose apple, dates, guava. No only were the trees planted but a caretaker was engaged for the entire year to ensure project sustainability. The idea was to preserve and restore local environment, and also to engage the local community to create awareness about the benefits of afforestation and tree plantation. The trees will need looking after for a period of minimum two years. The Rotarains take turns in taking care of trees . Plus a local gardner has been hired for he who year. Sustainability has been addressed. Project Leader Rtn Kennedy Samuel Community service, Environment

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2018
End Date 30-06-2019
Project Cost 6000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 225
No of direct Beneficiaries 3000
Partner Clubs none
Non Rotary Partners Panchawati residents: .
Project Category Club Thrust Area, Others