Pune Metro - Insight

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 30 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 19:00:00
Location Balkalyan
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Pune Metro - Insight
Meeting Agenda A detailed talk by Sameer Nagrani on Engineering the Underground - tunnelling for highways and underground station of Pune Metro
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 30
Minutes of Meeting PP Brij Sethi gave a brief to all members on district award function wherein our club won various prices as an appreciation towards projects done for the community . Mr. Sameer Nagrani is an expert on tunnelling and was invited as a special guest to enhance Sports city members knowledge on infrastructure development through tunnelling across India. Mr. Sameer Nagraini shared his first hand knowledge and experience about various projects done by his company to construct tunnels with different shapes and sizes. He is part of Tunnelling of Pune Metro and gave a deep insight into the planning and execution with precise accuracy for Pune Metro construction. He explained complex intricacies in a simplified manner.