Cancer vaccination for 42 tribal girls and Typhoid vaccination for 70 tribal boys

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 05 Jul 2024
Meeting Time 14:00:00
Location Gokulam school Chinchwad - Tribal girls
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Cancer vaccination for 42 tribal girls and Typhoid vaccination for 70 tribal boys
Meeting Agenda To provide cancer vaccination for 42 adolescent tribal girls and typhoid vaccination for 70 tribal boys at Gokulam residential school in Chinchwad with funding and vaccine from Jivika foundation
Chief Guest
Club Members Present 12
Minutes of Meeting The vaccination camp attracted lots of interest and excitement at Gokulam residential school. 42 girls for Rs 2k each = 84000 were vaccinated for cervical cancer vaccine and 70 boys for Rs 2385 K each = 166950 were vaccinated for typhoid vaccination. 7 volunteers executed this task between 1:30 PM to 6:30 PM