Nature Driven Lifestyle, Food Culture and Health

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 01 Aug 2023
Meeting Time 19:30:00
Location Virtual - Zoom Call
Meeting Type Regular
Meeting Topic Nature Driven Lifestyle, Food Culture and Health
Meeting Agenda The guest speaker explains how the human's food culture changed through the human evolution. The most effective food culture and how we can adopt it in our daily routine even though we have several other priorities. The way we eat food and timing has a lot to do with health. He also explains about his latest initiative Swa Gram where everything required for daily meals is grown in his farm, which he really refers to as Village.
Chief Guest Vaidya Santosh Suryavanshi
Club Members Present 32
Minutes of Meeting On this zoom call Santosh explained and demonstrated the lifestyle changes and how they impact us. His examples with focus on food and culture were quite impressive. All members participated in an interactive question answer session as thsi topic touched and impacted everyone on their daily food habits .